Gocta Natura Reserve

Immerse in the forest as you discover the Chachapoya Nation

Gocta Natura Reserve

Immerse in the forest as you discover the Chachapoya Nation


Gocta Natura Reserve was born with a forest soul on the slopes of the Gocta waterfall, initially as a reforestation project: a place focused on a sincere worship of the forest and what its permanence generates in us as human beings. Our symbiotic relationship with this land, its roots, its views, its culture, its biodiversity and its opportunities, generated in us the natural need to want to share this space.

This is how our lodging was born, a great place to receive, enjoy and share, in every sense, what Gocta gives us. Its six cosy cabins, independent and private, are equipped with all the services and comforts, to live the exquisite adventure of stopping time.


    Renewed by quality experiences through our Context Itineraries and nourished by a sustainably-managed signature cuisine, by the freshness of our garden and by the affection of our team


    Each space in the reserve is designed to provide unique experiences, to focus on the meaning of a life in communion with the environment and aimed at returning to the basic and elemental nature of our relationship with nature


    We grow our vegetables, produce our own compost and buy from responsible sources


    Get immersed in its ancient history, walk through cliffs and waterfalls, meet the people of the clouds

Community and Sustainability Commitment

Here are some key sustainability & community practices that these hosts are committed too. Please use the key below the icons for reference. You might see that some measurements are not currently in place and that’s okay, we choose to support our hosts on their imperfect road towards a better world and we understand that that takes time.

Power saving initiatives in place
Water saving measures in place
Plastic avoidance in place
Ecological construction
Ecological suppliers preferred
Environmental information for guests
Regenerative energy initiatives in place
Vegetarian menu available
Vegan menu available
Waste policy in place
Car charging station
Uses local suppliers
Local NGO supported
Local charity activity in place
Sells & promotes local products
Promotes other local SMEs & entrepreneurs
Equal opportunity & fair job policy in place
Provides local transport information
Recommends local cultural places of interest
Supports community development & local infrastructure
Sustainability Practices
Community Commitments
Not in Place

Eco Certifications & Efforts

Just as we admire each of our hosts for their singularity, we appreciate that their sustainability journeys are also unique. Because of this, we do not require our hosts to have an eco certification or two under their belt, we simply guide them on improving their sustainable business practices one imperfect – but positive – step at a time. If a host has eco certifications they will be shown below, if not, then know we are working towards this together.

B Corporation

We are in the process of becoming B Corp certified.

Sustainability Efforts

  • Sowing to feed ourselves in a continuous and responsible manner, learning along the way, strengthens our purpose: to be consistent and faithful to our principles.
  • “Farm to Table” as a circular concept. Design the management of the garden, to supply our nutritional needs, the creation of a varied and delicious menu for our guests, the continuous supply of fruits and vegetables for those of us who live and work in Gocta Natura; the use of production to the maximum, preserving in different ways so as not to waste anything.
  • The use of natural products and systems to neutralise and balance possible pests, anticipating, distracting, strengthening plants.
  • Step by step along the cyclical route that takes us from earth to earth. A well-managed organic matter composter implies a rigorously applied method to achieve quality fertiliser in the necessary quantity.
  • A connected human team. There are no watertight compartments in our plan: the garden hand in hand with the kitchen hand in hand with our habits hand in hand with the forest… a magic circle.
  • Learning and exchange. The connection with the wise to learn and apply the knowledge of natural cycles and locally inherited customs. And the living network of product exchange with close families connected to the land in a responsible way.
  • We use solar energy to light the roads, otherwise our energy is hydroelectric.

Birds of the Forest

The variety of birds present in this area of Peru is a main attraction for Birdwatchers. A highlight of our day is to watch them come at different times, to eat seeds and insects, each one of them with different traits and habits.

They are the main indicator that we are on the right track, that their habitat is getting larger and stronger. Every other year we have an inventory made by an ornithologist of the local University in Chachapoyas (the capital of the Amazonas Region). The last one, made in April of this year, registered 72 species, versus 44 observed two years ago.

In the “most searched for” category, are the Spatulatail Hummingbird, an endangered species endemic of this area of the world; the Cock of the Rock, a national symbol of Peru, endemic along the Andes from north to south; and the Green
Jay, known for travelling in groups and having a variety of calls and songs to communicate among them.

This is just a sample of the wide variety of birds that accompany us at Gocta Natura Reserve and that can be observed from each cabin.

  • We have a rainwater harvesting system for irrigation of the vegetable garden on dry days. We also request 5 min in the shower from our guests.
  • we inform our guests that we are Plastic Free, that we do not have them for sale and that if they bring them please take them away. We are eliminating single-use plastic.
  • Green building? – Not 100%. We have used adobe in several of the cabins and the main house. We use certified wood, local ceramics, mud paint and natural dyes.
  • we work with local suppliers
  • the energy in this area is hydroelectric, we also use sunlight for the roads.
  • Our gastronomy is 80% plant based. We offer vegan menus and cater for all restrictions.
  • We follow a circular management: we have 3 composts: 1 for raw vegetables; another for processed organic waste and the third for animal protein. We use the compost in the garden.
  • yes, more than charitable to encourage the development of opportunities. We are now organising a meeting with local hotels and restaurants with an organisation (SINBA) to strengthen waste management in the village where we are.

NGOs & Local Impact Projects Supported

Each of our hosts strive to have a positive impact on their local communities. Some of our hosts already have established connections with local partners to enrich the lives and wellbeing of their communities, others are in the process of creating these long term relationships. If a host has local NGO connections they will be shown below, if not, then know we are working towards this together.

What our hosts say..

Transparency is essential if we are all going to grow and improve together and this is why we have dedicated this section to sharing what we love about each place and its hosts. We work with each of our hosts to improve their guest experiences, sustainability practices and local impact, this is where you can learn more about that along with what still needs to be improved, the measures being taken to ensure our hosts continue to move forward and every now and then we’ll come back to update you on their progress.


Gocta Natura Reserve

Find us

Mail: reservas@goctanaturareserve.com
Phone: +51 951 701 507

Gocta Natura is an organisation on the move, that grows as its purpose defines. Strongly committed to environmental protection, our reforestation efforts contribute to preserving the habitat of endangered species —some of them on the verge of extinction.

Our six cabins, designed to create a warm and private atmosphere, are surrounded by native trees, bromeliads and orchids. They are visited regularly by a wide variety of birds, Nature’s invitation to enjoy moments of observation and tranquillity. Our inner paths and treks become an opportunity to stay longer with us. Guests can spend time at the Pond, visit the Botanic Garden, or trek to the Gocta river through a forest of palm trees.

We provide a welcoming, close and personal service, cultivating a passion for detail in everything we do, creating the atmosphere for a unique stay. We are proud winners of TripAdvisor’s Travelers Choice 2023 award, merit of the space that welcomes us and our commitment to sharing it with you.

Our environmental commitment led us to embrace the circular economy approach to shape our business model. The best example of our philosophy is our unique cuisine, that lays at the heart of what Gocta Natura Reserve has become over the years.
The menus created by our Executive Chef and team are locally inspired and sourced. We grow our vegetables, produce our compost, and buy from responsible sources. We promote organic farming, the use of ancient techniques, and the ancestral knowledge that keep the Chachapoya culture alive and provide a unique value to all of our gastronomic creations. The history portrayed becomes the story to be told.

Working with chefs we invite twice a year to collaborate in bringing the farm to the table, and presenting the outcome to our guests, is highly motivating for us. Every night, the stories behind the dishes we serve are shared with our guests: a storytelling moment that creates admiration and respect among them and greatly inspires our team.

Rocio Florez

Gocta Natura Reserve (GNR) has become a living space and a source of inspiration for me and my whole family. I live in this corner of the world, privileged by its beauty and natural wealth, home to hard-working, joyful and generous families. Watching a generation grow and prosper moves me. Living and sharing, working, creating, dreaming, laughing with the women, men and young people of this province, makes the everyday exceptional.

GNR has been growing and progressing too. It started as a family home, received visitors from near and far, and has been transformed into a lodge for stays immersed within Nature, committed to protecting the environment in everything we do. We measure our impact and reforest on an ongoing basis. It is a step by step approach.

To our guests of the past years we thank you so much. With every return, with every recommendation you push us to keep looking for improvement and fuel our creativity. You make us happy but also inject us with the responsibility to continue to strengthen our sustainable practices and our commitment to the environment.

A special thanks to Cocachimba, the community that welcomes us and allows us to develop a dream. With you and the families of Coca, we commit ourselves to continue protecting the environment that we share as our first priority: we will continue reforesting, we will continue improving our practices and behaviours to strengthen together our main tourist attraction: Nature.

Rocio Florez

Gocta Natura Reserve (GNR) has become a living space and a source of inspiration for me and my whole family. I live in this corner of the world, privileged by its beauty and natural wealth, home to hard-working, joyful and generous families. Watching a generation grow and prosper moves me. Living and sharing, working, creating, dreaming, laughing with the women, men and young people of this province, makes the everyday exceptional.

GNR has been growing and progressing too. It started as a family home, received visitors from near and far, and has been transformed into a lodge for stays immersed within Nature, committed to protecting the environment in everything we do. We measure our impact and reforest on an ongoing basis. It is a step by step approach.

Welcoming, close and personal service, cultivating a passion for detail in everything we do, creating the atmosphere for a unique stay… a gastronomy that surprises and satisfies, and becomes one of the cornerstones of our service.

To our guests of the past years we thank you so much. With every return, with every recommendation you push us to keep looking for improvement and fuel our creativity. You make us happy but also inject us with the responsibility to continue to strengthen our sustainable practices and our commitment to the environment.

A special thanks to Cocachimba, the community that welcomes us and allows us to develop a dream. With you and the families of Coca, we commit ourselves to continue protecting the environment that we share as our first priority: we will continue reforesting, we will continue improving our practices and behaviours to strengthen together our main tourist attraction: Nature.

Dive Deeper into this Destination

Explore unique experiences, sample local flavours and get to know this destination like a local with our curated cluster of Singular Hosts in this area.




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A drone view of a large turquoise infinity pool and its surrounding green trees and gardens and handful of sun loungers







Antigua Casona San Blas

More than a hotel, an experience

Antigua Casona San Blas

More than a hotel; an experience.


In the heart of Cusco, between stone streets and colonial buildings, lies Antigua Casona San Blas; a renovated 19th century mansion, with beautiful rooms linked by entertaining corridors, a unique restaurant to enjoy the flavours of Peru, bar and wine cellar of world wines, the courtyard with outdoor fireplaces and a formal hidden garden. The perfect place to provide a warm and revitalizing experience.

San Blas is Cusco’s oldest, continuously lived-in, neighborhood. Steep and narrow cobble stone streets are lined with the remains of Incan architecture and colonial casonas, where artisans, boutiques, and coffee shops now reside.


    Where fresh and local flavours come to life


    We are delighted to be funding various projects in Peru, including working with Xapiri Ground


    Adjust to the high altitude with our Welcome to Altitude experience that includes a session in our hyperbaric chamber followed by a therapeutic massage


    We recycle, separate oils for reuse, have biodegradable rubbish bags and provide filtered water throughout the hotel

Community and Sustainability Commitment

Here are some key sustainability & community practices that these hosts are committed too. Please use the key below the icons for reference. You might see that some measurements are not currently in place and that’s okay, we choose to support our hosts on their imperfect road towards a better world and we understand that that takes time.

Power saving initiatives in place
Water saving measures in place
Plastic avoidance in place
Ecological construction
Ecological suppliers preferred
Environmental information for guests
Regenerative energy initiatives in place
Vegetarian menu available
Vegan menu available
Waste policy in place
Car charging station
Uses local suppliers
Local NGO supported
Local charity activity in place
Sells & promotes local products
Promotes other local SMEs & entrepreneurs
Equal opportunity & fair job policy in place
Provides local transport information
Recommends local cultural places of interest
Supports community development & local infrastructure
Sustainability Practices
Community Commitments
Not in Place

Eco Certifications

Just as we admire each of our hosts for their singularity, we appreciate that their sustainability journeys are also unique. Because of this, we do not require our hosts to have an eco certification or two under their belt, we simply guide them on improving their sustainable business practices one imperfect – but positive – step at a time. If a host has eco certifications they will be shown below, if not, then know we are working towards this together.

NGOs & Local Impact Projects Supported

Each of our hosts strive to have a positive impact on their local communities. Some of our hosts already have established connections with local partners to enrich the lives and wellbeing of their communities, others are in the process of creating these long term relationships. If a host has local NGO connections they will be shown below, if not, then know we are working towards this together.

Xapiri Ground

An organisation that preserves the ancestral knowledge of the rainforest, for each reservation made in our Xapiri Suites the organisation receives 20 dollars. Through this we help fund various projects for Xapiri Ground throughout Peru. We are working to create a closer partnership that will provide a continuous flow of support to this organisation with more information to come later this year.

Xapiri Ground

Green Sacred Valley

From March 2022, we will be donating one Peruvian sol to Green Sacred Valley for every guest who has stayed with us. They will allocate this money as they see fit to continue their efforts to reforest and protect the forested areas of the Sacred Valley.

Green Sacred Valley

Valley Camp

Valley Camp is an organisation that organises camps for children and teenagers and is rooted in sustainability and regenerative practices. We teach children to protect the environment through outdoor experiential learning opportunities. For every guest to our yoga room, we donate one sol to the organisation, plus a yoga workshop fundraiser for the organisation.

Valley Camp

What our hosts say..

Transparency is essential if we are all going to grow and improve together and this is why we have dedicated this section to sharing what we love about each place and its hosts. We work with each of our hosts to improve their guest experiences, sustainability practices and local impact, this is where you can learn more about that along with what still needs to be improved, the measures being taken to ensure our hosts continue to move forward and every now and then we’ll come back to update you on their progress.


Antigua Casona San Blas
Calle Carmen Bajo 243 – San Blas

Find us

Mail: reservas@antiguacusco.com
Phone: +51 910 841 735

The Casona was built approximately between 1750 – 1800. The intricate, hand-carved wrap around balcony was rebuilt; replicating the original design. Original adobes where used to rebuild walls. A technique of mixing cactus with mud and straw was used for the adobe wall finishes. Roof tiles that could be salvaged where reused. Restoration of the casona was completed in June of 2016, under the supervision of the Ministerio de Cultura.

Focused on providing our guests with a total wellness experience expressed in every detail – such as our organic fine dining, private yoga room run by the best yoga talent in the city, spa with fresh herbal steam sauna among other examples – make us more than just a place to relax after long days of exploring the wonders of Cusco.

We offer our guests 50 uniquely decorated rooms with beautiful wooden or brick floors, spacious beds and hand-carved wooden furniture, quality bedding, radiant heating, lots of natural light with plants inside and of course wifi and cable TV.

All rooms have a turndown service which includes hot water bottles at the foot of the bed on chilly nights.

Breakfast at Piedra & Sal is fresh and abundant with local ingredients. Our fresh, brewed-on-the-spot, coffee comes from local farms sourced by Valle Inca. Try an international classic with a Peruvian twist, like our french toast with native cacao and orange, or our huevos rancheros made with our house guacamole and local spices.

Lunch is the most important meal for Peruvians. It is well served, which is why most Peruvians follow it with a siesta. We have made our lunch classics to satisfy big appetites and provide the necessary fuel for full days. Lunch highlights include our selection of papas nativas, alpaca burger with locally sourced meat from the Ausangate mountain range, and salads loaded with fresh ingredients.

Our candle-lit dinners with soft ambiance, and soulful South American music, are curated for you to enjoy some of Peru’s most classic dishes. Our house favorites are the Seco al Norteño, Alpaca a la Pimienta, and Aji de Gallina.


A passion for the mountains and the ancient cities brought Sergio to Cusco, a place that never ceases to teach us the connection of daily life with the Pachamama. Sergio, a Peruvian driven by a love of exploration, gastronomy and learning.
He has the opportunity to be the manager of Antigua Casona San Blas, a boutique hotel in the heart of Cusco with a focus on hospitality and community. Today, he is proud to lead and nurture a passion for  personal service in each member of the team.


A passion for the mountains and the ancient cities brought Sergio to Cusco, a place that never ceases to teach us the connection of daily life with the Pachamama. Sergio, a Peruvian driven by a love of exploration, gastronomy and learning, has the opportunity to be the manager of Antigua Casona San Blas, a boutique hotel in the heart of Cusco with a focus on hospitality and community. Today, he is proud to lead and nurture a passion for personal service in each member of the team.


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